AZ Perfect Comfort Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Phoenix’

What’s the Best AC Solution in 2024?

Monday, July 8th, 2024

When you want to upgrade your older air conditioner to a new model, you probably want to consider all of your options. After all, upgrading to a newer version of your existing air conditioner isn’t always the best choice. HVAC technology has grown exponentially, and you have a variety of different options to choose from.

Just give us a call when you’re ready to talk about AC installation in Phoenix. You can also keep reading to learn about your different options for a new installation along with the unique benefits of each one. We can help with the rest! 

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Benefits of Prioritizing HVAC Service Every Year

Monday, June 24th, 2024

Time feels like it goes by quickly sometimes. Even if you scheduled an HVAC check-up for your air conditioner last year, it’s time to make the appointment again. It may seem like your last appointment wasn’t that long ago, but a lot can happen in a year.

Your AC needs HVAC service in Phoenix this summer and every summer in the future. Intermittent service is simply not enough to keep your unit operating at its best. Keep reading to learn more about the many ways that your air conditioner benefits from regular annual maintenance.

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When Is the Best Time for a New AC Installation?

Monday, May 27th, 2024

If your older AC is showing signs that it’s nearing the end of its lifespan, you want to start planning for your upgrade soon. There are certain times of the year when installing a new AC is better than other times, and Spring is an excellent option for scheduling an AC installation in Phoenix.

You can keep reading to learn more about why right now is a great time to schedule an air conditioner installation. Then give our team a call to schedule your service ahead of a total AC breakdown. It’s better to be proactive than to put off service and be left making in emergency decision about a new air conditioner.

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Unusual AC Smells? Here’s What They Could Be

Monday, May 13th, 2024

Usually, changes in cycles and unusual AC sounds indicate repair needs. But there are times when your air conditioner operates just fine with no unusual sounds, and there are still problems. That’s why we highlighted a few unusual smells that can indicate air conditioner problems.

When you are aware of the various signs that can indicate your air conditioner has an issue, you can address that issue sooner and prevent further hazards. Keep reading to learn more about three unusual air conditioner smells, what they mean, and what our team can do to combat them. Then give our team a call to schedule your HVAC service in Phoenix.

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What Are My AC Installation Options in Phoenix?

Monday, April 1st, 2024

When it comes to cooling your home efficiently and effectively in Phoenix, you don’t want to settle on price alone. Choosing the right type of air conditioner is crucial, but the variety of choices available can be overwhelming. Let’s review the different types of air conditioners suitable for your home and provide tips on finding the right HVAC contractor for air conditioning installation in Phoenix, AZ.

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How to Choose a Commercial HVAC Contractor in Phoenix

Monday, February 19th, 2024

When it comes to choosing a commercial HVAC contractor in Phoenix, you can’t afford to choose just anyone. Keeping your commercial property cool and comfortable in the heat of Arizona is required both for the safety and comfort of your tenants, employees, and customers. 

From apartment buildings to condo complexes, restaurants to offices, there’s one thing they all have in common: they rely on complex commercial HVAC systems that require precision and expertise. Let’s go over what to look for when choosing a commercial HVAC contractor. We promise to find your business’s “just right” comfort.

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Solve Your Arizona Heating Problems with a Heat Pump

Monday, January 8th, 2024

We’re no strangers to chilly winters here in Phoenix, AZ. You need a reliable heating system to keep your home warm when temperatures plummet. However, many homeowners don’t place as much importance on the heating aspect of their HVAC system as they do on air conditioning. 

This is understandable though. After all, the summer heat is brutal, and having a reliable AC system can literally mean the difference between life and death.

That’s why heat pumps have emerged as the absolute best system for climates such as ours. Heat pumps use air conditioning technology to cool your home down throughout the year but can also be switched to heating mode to effectively heat your home as well. Let’s go over why heat pump installation is the answer to your heating problems. 

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Is it Time To Replace Your Water Heater?

Monday, December 25th, 2023

If we were to ask you what your most important home system is, what would you say? We’ll guess that the first thing that springs to mind is your air conditioning system and that’s probably exactly what your Arizona neighbors would say as well.

Almost as important is your home’s water heater. Think about how many times in a day you rely on hot, running water to complete a task. Whether it’s starting the day off with a hot shower and a pot of coffee, to making dinner at night, a well-functioning hot water heater isn’t a luxury. It’s a necessity.

When it’s time to replace your water heater in Phoenix, AZ, it’ll give you some signs that its performance is suffering. Let’s look at 4 of the most obvious ones.

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Why You Should Replace Your AC in Winter in Arizona

Monday, December 11th, 2023

Have you ever had to make a decision on an AC repair when your air conditioner broke down during a summer heatwave? It’s never a good feeling when you need to immediately approve a costly repair out of desperation to get your AC working again.

Now, imagine that feeling, only it’s for an AC replacement when temperatures are in the triple digits. That’s a decision no homeowner in Phoenix, AZ should ever have to make quickly and without any forethought or planning! 

That’s one of the main reasons why replacing your air conditioning in the off-season is an idea that might seem strange at first, but that really makes sense the more you think about it. For homeowners who know their AC system is unlikely to make it through another scorching-hot summer, here are some advantages to replacing your AC in the winter.

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Why Your Heat Pump Needs Maintenance Twice a Year

Sunday, October 15th, 2023

Although heat pumps have been around for a while, they’ve surged in popularity over the last several years. And so it’s understandable that many homeowners who own a heat pump have no idea that maintenance is supposed to happen twice a year. That’s because traditional central systems such as furnaces and air conditioners only need maintenance once a year.

The confusion is compounded by the fact that we live in Arizona where the cooling season is much longer than the heating season. Getting maintenance on a heat pump “every six months” makes perfect sense in areas that experience a new season every 3 months. 

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